The Complete Guide to Theme Park Must-Haves

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I spend a lot of time in the theme parks, and that means I have developed a pretty good bag full of the essentials. This little corner of my blog houses some of my recommendations for must-have items for your theme park trip. I use all of these items myself and carry them in my park bag every time I go into the parks!


I ALWAYS recommend you grab this set of FuelRods if you are headed to Disney World. This pack of two saves you money compared to buying a FuelRod in the parks (in park they cost $30 each, on Amazon you can get two for about $35.) At Disney World, you can get free swaps of your FuelRods at locations around the park. You can download the FuelRod app to see all the locations. This kit comes with the cords to both plug into your phone and recharge if you want. They are small and lightweight, and provide a lot of additional charge for your phone.

You will have to pay to swap these at Universal Orlando, but there are ways to get some free credits. These aren’t my top choice for Universal Orlando, but if you charge them up ahead of time, they are great and will likely provide all the charge you need!